Dont miss the annual international meetings of the Brain Connectivity Workshop and the BrainModes conference!
Brain Connectivity Workshop BrainModesHosted in a different country every year, these events are a great opportunity to meet leading experts from computational neuroscience, neuroscience methodology and experimental neuroscience!
31st Alzheimer Europe Conference
Digital Event
Prof Petra Ritter is participating at the 31st Alzheimer Europe Conference: Resilience in dementia: Moving beyond the COVID-19 pandemic, organised online from 29 November to 1 December 2021.
Prof Ritter is giving a keynote lecture entitled: "From virtual brain simulation to personalized prevention and treatment of dementia", taking place on the 30th of November, 2021 at 15:45, as part of the plenary session PL3: " Innovations in dementia diagnosis and care through new technologies".
Constructing individual models of the brain and simulating them, helps us to understand mechanisms of brain function and dysfunction. Knowing mechanisms is essential for developing measures for prevention and therapies. Computational brain models capture more closely the actual neuronal processes and thus, augment the classification and prediction of brain diseases such as Alzheimer's. Computational brain models are also used for in silico testing of therapies such as pharmacological interventions, brain stimulation or surgery. Personalized brain models contain sensitive health information. The Virtual Brain Cloud - a project of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) and a Partnering Project of the Human Brain Project and EBRAINS - provides a digital platform that enables collaborative research on sensitive health data in an audited environment that is compliant to the General Data Protection Regulations of the EU and thus, protects the rights and the freedom of the data subjects and patients. The platform provides the computational resources and infrastructure that is required for complex simulations - including high-performance computing. It enables innovative dementia research through integration of various data types into complex multi-scale dynamical models of the brain.
Find out more
Are you interested how people with dementia, their carers, Alzheimer’s associations, policy makers, health and social care professionals, researchers and industry adapted to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic?
Are you interested how new and innovative ways were found to diagnose, treat, care and provide support in these challenging times?
To attend the event, visit the official website.
Watch the replay of Petra's talk here.