• Processing Pipeline for The Virtual Brain now available as Docker container on Human Brain Project Collab Platform

    • The Virtual Brain
    • Automated Pipeline for creating Individualised brain models

      Automated pipeline for constructing personalised virtual brains from multimodal neuroimaging data.

    You have MRI data and want to extract structural and functional connectomes to simulate personalized brain network models? Us too!

    To make life easier we released the TVB Processing Pipeline inside a Docker container, along with other handy tools, on the HBP collab platform (HBP login required) and on [dockerhub](https://hub.docker.com/r/triebkjp/tvbconnectomepipeline"Visit Website…").

    The pipeline takes structural MRI, diffusion-weighted MRI and functional MRI as input and outputs a data set ready for brain simulation with The Virtual Brain.

    Watch this [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OReY2UBTXEo"Visit Website…") for a quick overview on how to run the pipeline on HBP supercomputers and how to control them using Collab Jupyter notebooks.

    Find this and our other tools, tutorials and documentation[here](https://brainmodes.github.io/TVB_EduPack/"Visit Website…") and on our GitHub page.