Active Staff
Jeehye An
MSc Cogn. Neuroscience, BSc Psychology
PhD Student
Patrik Bey
M.Sc. Sci Comp & B.Sc. Business & Economics
Ph.D. Student
André Blickensdörfer
Cand. Med. & M.Sc. Compu Sci & B.Sc. Embedded Systems Engineering
Valery Bragin
M.Sc. Applied Maths
Luca Brandt
BSc. Systems Engineering
Jonathan Buchholz
B.Sc. Psychology
Student Asistant
Konstantin Bülau
Dr. med. & B.Sc. Political Economics
Drew Cooper
MSc. Medical Neurosci.
Ph.D. Student
Julie Courtiol
Ph.D. Neurosci & M.Sc. Fundamental Maths
Lab Manager
Maria Luise da Costa Zemsch
M.Sc. Integrated Life Sciences
PhD student
Lion Deger
M.Sc. Psychology
PhD student
Kiret Dhindsa
Ph.D. Compu Sci and Engi & B.Sc. Psycho & Stats
Benedetta Gambosi
MSc Biomed. Engineering
PhD student
Timo Hofsähs
Dr. med.
Christoph Hüttl
Cand. Med.
Dinara Issagaliyeva
GSoC Intern
Tilman Kalthoff
M.Sc. Cognitive Science
Dominik Koller
M.Sc. Compu Neuro & B.Sc. Biomedical Engineering
Ph.D. Student
Chloê Langford
B.A. Hons Visual Arts & B.Sc. Informatics and Media
Multimedia Artist & Programmer
Qin Liu
Ph.D. Physics
Leon Martin
M.Sc. Psychology
PhD student
Jil Meier
Ph.D. Network Sci & M.Sc. Maths Finance
Simon Adriano Munoz Lagunas
M.Sc. Mathematics
Ph.D. Student
Jay Palmer
New Media Arts & Biomedical Communicaton
Dionysios Perdikis
Ph.D. Human Movement Sciences
Lab Engineer
Marius Pille
M.Sc. Physics
Marc Sacks
M.Sc. Phy & B.Sc. Elec Eng
Lorenzo Salmina
M.Sc. Life Science Engineering
Michael Schirner
Dr. rer. med Bioinformatics
Deputy Lab Lead
Rico André Schmitt
Cand. Med.
Jan Stasiński
MA Cog Neuro & BA Philo
Ph.D. Student
Leon Stefanovski
Dr. med.
Halgurd Taher
Ph.D. Physics
Jennifer Them
M.Sc. Cognitive Science
PhD student
Karin Westin