• The Virtual Brain on EBRAINS explainer video series

    • ebrains
    • Education
    • The Virtual Brain

    We have released a series of videos that explain The Virtual Brain integrated workflows on EBRAINS. The Virtual Brain (TVB) on EBRAINS is a large ecosystem of tools for constructing, simulating and analyzing brain network models. The Virtual Brain tool set can be used for end-to-end personalized brain simulation. It is completely integrated in the EBRAINS technical infrastructure.

    Here is the complete version, approx 10 minutes long:

    Here is the condensed version, approx <3 minutes long:

    And here is a youtube playlist of mini videos by subject, all about 1 minute long:TVB on EBRAINS Playlist

    TVB-EBRAINS workflows developed during SGA2 in Codesign Project The Virtual Brain in the EU Flagship Human Brain Project. We hope these videos give you a better idea of the workflows, tools, applications and advantages of The Virtual Brain on EBRAINS integrations.

    • TVB ready data sets EBRAINS illustration